
“These physical components are natural and economical

resources of great value and benefit to humans and should be

acknowledged in order to perform proper conservation”

Academia’s Natural Diversity Science Program focuses on exploring the richness and diversity of the biological and natural system in the Arabian Peninsula. The degree of variation of life forms is a measure for the health of the biological environment which is due to diverse ecological systems. These physical components are natural and economical resources of great value and benefit to humans and should be acknowledged in order to perform proper conservation and to introduce methods to protect and maintain such richness. Our program is based on academic research work aiming to create a species database and resource center, in addition to presenting the richness and variation of living organisms of this region which should be considered a subcontinent, if not a separate continent. This work aims to present the different plants, animals and micro-organism forms of the Arabian Peninsula explored on three levels: the genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystems diversity. Dr. Salem M. Busais - Founder Zoologist (Herpetologist), Molecular Taxonomy Chairperson - Research Chair for Biodiversity and Nature Conservation in Yemen
Copyright © 2011-2024 Academia-srt Network, All Rights Reserved
The Arabian Peninsula has a special geographical position with three masses of water surrounding it. These factors are favorable for the existence of diverse ecosystems along with a high level of biodiversity.
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Arabia’s Biodiversity Research Center


“These physical components are natural and

economical resources of great value and benefit to

humans and should be acknowledged in order to

perform proper conservation”

Academia’s Natural Diversity Science Program focuses on exploring the richness and diversity of the biological and natural system in the Arabian Peninsula. The degree of variation of life forms is a measure for the health of the biological environment which is due to diverse ecological systems. These physical components are natural and economical resources of great value and benefit to humans and should be acknowledged in order to perform proper conservation and to introduce methods to protect and maintain such richness. Our program is based on academic research work aiming to create a species database and resource center, in addition to presenting the richness and variation of living organisms of this region which should be considered a subcontinent, if not a separate continent. This work aims to present the different plants, animals and micro-organism forms of the Arabian Peninsula explored on three levels: the genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystems diversity. Dr. Salem M. Busais - Founder Zoologist (Herpetologist), Molecular Taxonomy Chairperson - Research Chair for Biodiversity and Nature Conservation in Yemen
Copyright © 2011-2024 Academia-srt Network, All Rights Reserved
The Arabian Peninsula has a special geographical position with three masses of water surrounding it. These factors are favorable for the existence of diverse ecosystems along with a high level of biodiversity.
more info more info Founder’s profile view here Contributing academics view here Arabia’s Biodiversity Research Center